The word CLOUD is now familiar to everyone. I don’t need to explain what is cloud and what is possible with cloud. SAP has created many solutions on the cloud that makes a lot of processes easier – you don’t need to bother about installations, upgrades, scalability and so forth. Everything will be taken care by SAP.
In this blog I am explaining how to create a fiori like application and deploy it to mobile using cloud solutions of SAP.
It involves 3 steps:
- Develop Fiori like application using SAP Web IDE
- Deploying app to SAP HANA Cloud Platform
- Deploy app to device using SAP Mobile Secure
What you need to start development?
All the solutions mentioned above are available as trial.
HANA Cloud Platform trial (HCP) – The application development is using SAP Web IDE and it is on HCP. Register for free trial of HCP.
SAP Web IDE (do steps till 4.2)- It is a development environment for web and hybrid apps.
SAP Mobile Secure – It is the mobile device management solution on the cloud.
1. Creating app using SAP Web IDE
1. Open SAP Web IDE
2. Click on > New > Project Template.
3. Choose SAP Fiori Master Detail Application. Click Next.
4. On Project Name field enter “End2End”. Click Next.
5. Select Gateway system “ES1” and choose Odata service ZPRODUCT_SRV[ZCL_ZPRODUCT_DPC_EXT].
Note: To use ES1 system as backend for your mobile app make sure you have defined a destination with SAP Gateway trial. This video could help you to do it.
6. Click Next.
7. On the new window opened provide below details.
8. Click Next, then click on Finish. Done!! You have created an app.
9. To run the app expand the project. Click on index.html, then click on Run.
10. It opens the app and asks for SAP Gateway credentials. Enter the credentials to see the app running on browser.
2. Deploy App to HCP
1. Right click on the project choose Deploy, then select Deploy to HANA Cloud Platform.
2. Provide HCP credentials. Click on Login.
4. You should get a Successfully Deployed message. Click on Close.
3. Deploy App to Mobile Device
1. Login to SAP Mobile Secure. Click on New Application.
2. On Select Application Type window. Choose Fiori Application and click Next.
3. On Name field enter Products. Check Deploy to managed users only and Mark as featured app.
4. Click on Multimedia tab and set Application Icon and Banner image.
5. Click on Supported Platforms. Click on Get Started. A new window will appear.
6. Choose OS platform as Android and enter Base URL (Application URL).
Note: Find your Base URL from HANA trial account – Login to Click onHTML5 Applications > click on end2end.
7. Click on App Signing tab and browse android keystore and enter the password.
Note: To create an android keystore follow the document: Creating a signed APK in Android Studio
Use keystore of any application.
8. Click OK. It will deploy the app.
9. Click OK.
10. Click on workflow icon and select Set to production.
11. Click Save. We have successfully added the app to the enterprise app store (mobile place).
12. The enrolled user can go to Enterprise App Store from his device and install the app.
Note: when you run the app it asks for HCP credentials as well as backend credentials, to hide the HCP credentials add property “authenticationMethod”: “none” to the file neo-app.json
Note: Watch this video to know how to enroll your device with SAP Mobile Secure.
What’s happening during the build ?
Mobile secure is creating a Fiori Client app (Cordova based) with the Fiori application URL preconfigured with it. The Fiori Client is using the same Fiori web application which is hosted on HCP.